From “She’s Kerosene” to “I’m Kerosene”: The Interrupters go first-person on new album, ‘In the Wild’

From “She’s Kerosene” to “I’m Kerosene”: The Interrupters go first-person on new album, ‘In the Wild’
ABC/Randy Holmes

Forget “She’s Kerosene”: on The Interrupters‘ new album, In the Wild, frontwoman Aimee Interrupter declares, “I’m Kerosene.”

As Aimee tells ABC Audio, In the Wild is a personal, first-person reflection of her “life story.”

“I’d never done that before for The Interrupters,” Aimee explains. “Any songs that I’d written before for The Interrupters about my life, I always wrote about somebody else.”

“I would say, like, ‘She did it,’ ‘That person’s story,'” she adds. “But this time, I wrote in first-person, like, ‘This is actually my story.'”

Aimee’s lyrical vulnerability on In the Wild then allowed the rest of the band — made up of guitarist Kevin Bivona and his twin brothers, bassist Justin and drummer Jesse Bivona — to experiment with and broaden their sound.

“We’re just trying to make each song be exactly what it wants to be,” Kevin shares. “That brought us into terrain we hadn’t necessarily been in before, but felt so authentically us.”

In the Wild features the lead single “In the Mirror,” which is among the most personal songs on the record. Aimee had the beginnings of what would become the track for some time — much longer than the “Took me two years to write this song” lyric would have you believe — but realized she needed to “come clean with myself and with others about my ugly truths” to finish it.

“I used to drink a lot, and I haven’t drank alcohol for seven years,” Aimee says. “But it took me a long time of being sober and taking my personal inventory, and looking at my life and looking at myself in the mirror, and finally making peace with who I saw in the mirror in order for me to share that with someone else.”

In the Wild is out now.

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