Lil Nas X teases new music with hilarious “Save Nas X” website

Lil Nas X teases new music with hilarious “Save Nas X” website
ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images

Lil Nas X is going all out to tease new music, posting a fake website that claims it’s attempting to “save” the rapper from Satan’s influence.

If you visit, you’ll see a janky looking site that counts down how many days it’s been since the rapper released a new album. “LIL NAS X Hasn’t released an album in over 2 years. This site is dedicated to finding him and saving him by turning his heart toward Christ’s light!” reads the text.

The rest of the site’s text pokes fun at Lil Nas X’s reputation as a devil-worshiper, which has followed him since he depicted himself twerking on Satan in his video for the song “Montero (Call Me By Your Name).”

“Has the DEVIL-WORSHIPPING pop-artist finally been sacrificed to HIS MASTER? WHY is he SECLUDING HIMSELF???? What is he PREPARING FOR? This site will answer ALL THESE QUESTIONS AND MORE!!!” the site shouts.

“Perhaps the devil has possessed Nas X with the spirit of sin to influence the world into DAMNATION. That is why Nas has been away from the spotlight,” it continues. “To arrange a scheme against the world with Satan and probably TWERK on him some more!!!”

There’s also a chart of Nas’ “specific location in hell” — apparently, he’s on Level 8, after indulging in the Seven Deadly Sins, like lust, gluttony, envy, pride and greed.

The real purpose of the site, which was posted by Lil Nas X’s record label, is to get you to “Sign up to Save Lil Nas X” — a sly way of asking you to share your email address so you can get updates about whatever it is he’s teasing.

Lil Nas X’s first and, so far, only album, Montero, was released in 2021.


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