Richard Marx recently released his memoir, Stories To Tell, and he says putting it out was far more nerve-wracking than any album he’d ever released. Richard tells ABC Audio that he felt so much “anticipation and tension” about it that he was grateful he and his wife were overseas when it came out.
“It was better than just sitting at home and and telling myself, ‘Don’t click on reviews!'” he laughs. “But the reaction has been so heartwarming. And when I look through social media and people are posting pictures of them reading my book or with their feet up next to my book, it’s been amazing.”
He laughs, “Even some people who maybe have voiced, ‘You know, I never really was that into his music,’ [are saying] ‘Man, I loved this book and I laughed out loud!'”…yeah, it’s really nice to be hearing that stuff.”
But why did Richard think people wouldn’t like the book in the first place?
“One of my concerns was people who were hoping for a real tell-all, sort of tawdry, detailed [book about] my exploits with women in bed…, like, that was never going to happen,” he explains. “And I thought, ‘Are people going to be disappointed?'”
“And it’s been the complete opposite,” he admits. “If anything, I’ve been complimented for that!”
In fact, the only complaints Richard’s gotten seem to be from his three adult sons, who yelled at him for not sharing one particular story with them.
“For whatever reason, I guess I never told them about this horrendous situation I was in in Taiwan in the early days of my career, where we were basically held captive by these Chinese mafia guys,” he laughs. “And my sons were all like, “How could you have not told us this?!?”
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