‘New York Times’ reveals details of Britney’s book: JT breakup, drugs, conservatorship + more

‘New York Times’ reveals details of Britney’s book: JT breakup, drugs, conservatorship + more
Gallery Books

Britney Spears‘ memoir The Woman in Me comes out October 24, but The New York Times has obtained a copy and rounded up some of the more interesting revelations.

On Justin Timberlake: Britney confirms that she kissed choreographer Wade Robson while dating JT, but she suggests it was because Justin himself was cheating.  She claims JT broke up with her via text, leaving her “devastated.”  She felt the media portrayed her as “a harlot who’d broken the heart of America’s golden boy,” when in reality, she was “comatose in Louisiana, and he was happily running around Hollywood.”

Britney also writes that she was pressured by her dad and her management to do the notorious interview with Diane Sawyer, in Sawyer asked her what she did that caused JT “so much pain.”  Britney says of the interview, “I felt like I had been… set up in front of the whole world.”

On her partying days: Britney writes “It was never as wild as the press made it out to be,”  insisting she didn’t do hard drugs or drink.  Instead, she said, she took Adderall, which, she writes, “made me high, yes, but what I found far more appealing was that it gave me a few hours of feeling less depressed.”

On the conservatorship:  Britney says she was forced to spend three months in rehab in 2018.  It was there, she writes that a nurse showed her online clips of the #FreeBritney movement.

“That was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen in my life,” she writes. “I don’t think people knew how much the #FreeBritney movement meant to me, especially in the beginning.”

In the aftermath, she writes, “Migraines are just one part of the physical and emotional damage I have now that I’m out of the conservatorship. I don’t think my family understands the real damage that they did.”

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