Why Michael Bublé wants fans to know that songwriting is “a big part” of his life

Why Michael Bublé wants fans to know that songwriting is “a big part” of his life
ABC/Lou Rocco

On August 31, Michael Bublé shared an Instagram video in which he highlights the fact that many people still don’t know he’s the one who wrote all his biggest hits — including “Home.”

In the video, Michael responds to a comment that says, “In my opinion, your cover of Blake Shelton‘s ‘Home’ sucks” by lip-synching to some audio of someone saying “shut the eff up.”

“I’m just using this audio so i could brag,” he captioned the video. “I wrote the song and @blakeshelton covered it.”

It’s true: Michael released the song in 2005; Blake released his version in 2008. Michael also wrote “Haven’t Met You Yet,” “It’s a Beautiful Day,” “Everything,” “Higher” and all this other chart hits.

Speaking about songwriting, Michael told ABC Audio in 2022, “It’s a massive part of how we [artists] express ourselves. And so it was always a bit upsetting for me when I would do an interview and the interviewer would say, ‘Yeah, you’re a great interpreter of music, but what do you say when people say that all you do is cover people?'”

“And I would go, ‘But don’t [you know]?’ I get upset. I wrote the hits.”

As Michael explains, “There’s that ego part where you want people to know that you’re more than just a singer and an entertainer.” 

However, Michael’s definitely not shading artists who don’t write their own songs.

“I mean, my heroes, the greatest icons of all time — and I can mention two of them in Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley — they didn’t write,” he points out. “They were just incredible storytellers, interpreters of music that were gifted with incredible voices and charisma and stage presence. And that was enough.”

“But [songwriting is] a big part of my life, and I love doing it.”

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