Paul McCartney’s tour hobbies include movies and TV shows, but no knitting

ABC/Heidi Gutman

Paul McCartney will launch a new leg of his Got Back tour in Australia in October, which means a lot of traveling for the two-time Rock & Roll Hall of Famer. And he has some specific ways he likes to pass the time.

In a new Q&A posted to his website, McCartney was asked how he keeps himself busy while traveling on a plane, with the fan wondering if he has hobbies like “reading, watching TV, or knitting…?” McCartney says he’s not a knitter, although he notes, “I imagine that would be quite cool, actually … it must be a great release of tension.”

“But I watch movies,” he says. “So when I travel from London to New York, its [sic] normally a seven-hour journey so I end up watching about three movies, and in the middle of it all I try and have a meal.”

For long car rides, McCartney says he’ll watch movies or TV shows on his iPad, revealing, “I’m currently on Better Call Saul and it’s a good one.”  

One thing he doesn’t do is read, leaving that instead for just before he goes to bed. “I try to read biographies, which can be a little bit dry,” he says. “After a few pages you start you yawn, the page goes fuzzy, so it’s light off and straight to sleep. I like that!” 

Paul McCartney’s Got Back tour kicks off October 18 in Adelaide, Australia. He’s also announced dates in Brazil and Mexico City. A complete list of dates can be found at

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