Exclusive: Melissa Auf der Maur shares Hole photo diary in preview of new ‘CREEM’ issue

Credit: Melissa Auf def Maur

Hole bassist Melissa Auf der Maur shares her photo diary from the band’s tour in 1994 and 1995 in the latest issue of the revived CREEM magazine.

In an exclusive preview of the issue provided to ABC Audio, Auf der Mar reveals photos she took during the trek, which included performances at Lollaplooza and on the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards.

Alongside a photo from rehearsals at the VMAs, Auf der Maur recalls how Courtney Love “threw her shoes and lipstick at Madonna while she was talking to MTV’s Kurt Loder on the red carpet, interrupting and crashing their interview.”

“But this is a moment where we’re all at our most presentable,” Auf der Mar says of the rehearsal shot. “This dysfunctional family playing the part alongside the other famous people who are waiting their turn to do run-throughs.”

The new issue of CREEM, its second since the magazine relaunched in September after being out of print for 33 years, will be out December 15. It also includes pieces on Creedence Clearwater Revival, Henry Rollins and The KillsAlison Mosshart. Visit CREEM.com for more info.

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