You might encounter a few scaredy-cats this Halloween, but one thing you don’t want to see is a sick or injured pet. That’s why the ASPCA asked us to remind you of these animal safety tips for the spookiest night of the year.
Keep an eye on the candy. Chocolate can cause seizures and even be fatal to dogs and cats, and the artificial sweetener xylitol can cause liver failure in dogs. It’s also important to pick up the trash. Ingesting tin foil and candy wrappers can pose a choking hazard or cause intestinal blockage.
Pet-proof your decorations. Chewing an electric cord can damage your pet’s mouth – or cause electrocution. Candles may look spooky, but they’re a big injury risk to curious cats and kittens.
Leave the costumes for the kids. Liam Crowe is a dog behavioral therapist and co-founder of Bark Busters USA. He says that while you may think those antlers or sunglasses look adorable on Fido – they could drive him crazy. If you decide to put a costume on your pet, have a dress rehearsal to make sure it doesn’t restrict their movement or breathing.
Holidays like Halloween can be overwhelming to pets. You want to make sure yours can’t get to the candy or decorations. If your dog or cat seems nervous or agitated, put them in a quiet place away from trick-or-treaters.